
Client: OTE SA
Review of the Bottom up LRIC+ model of fixed wholesale products

We provided consulting services towards the review and update of the currently established Bottom up LRIC+ model that was previously developed and used by the NRA to determine the regulated prices of the fixed local and central access wholesale products.

Client: OTE SA
Cosulting services for the bottom-up LRIC+ modelling of the leased lines

The project was aiming to support OTE in all phases of the implementation by the National Regulatory Authority (EETT) of a bottom-up LRIC+ as regards the cost of wholsesale leased lines. In this context we were assigned the task to perform an international benchmarking in relation to the wholesale pricing of the leased lines in order to identify best practices. Our work, also, included the analysis of the NRA's data collection questionnaires, the principles of the techno-economic model, to create a shadow model upon these principles, assumptions and parameters supporting our client to the relevant public consultations and hearings.

Client: OTE SA
Bottom up LRIC+ modelling for the fixed broadband market

The project was aiming to support OTE towards the predation and price squeezing tests that the NRA (EETT) is performing against him. We were assigned to scrutinize the NRA followed procedures and models and underline potential problems deriving from poor adaptation of recommendations and best practices of other EU states and also highlight potential threats for OTE. Our work also included the analysis of the NRA's data collection questionnaires, the principles of the techno-economic model, to create a shadow model upon these principles, assumptions and parameters, and support our client to the relevant public consultations.

Client: Wind S.A and Vodafone S.A.
Reference Offers for Next Generation Access services

We were assigned by the two major Telcos, to draft the Reference Offers related to the provision of the Next Generation Access services. and the for the provision of wholesale NGA services.